Scampton Pollyplatt Community Primary School
Considering our future
Scampton Pollyplatt Community Primary School
Considering our future
Considering our future
Considering our future
Welcome to this dedicated website, which includes information about the listening period we are running about the potential to join a local family of schools – Infinity Academies Trust.
A great deal has been discussed over the last few years about the future of schools. In the constantly evolving educational world, more and more schools are thinking about becoming an academy and joining a multi-academy trust (MAT).
Our school governors have been watching the impact of this shift closely and digesting what it means for Scampton Pollyplatt and our community.
We also know that our school has been through many challenges, caused by external factors outside of our control, over the last few years and we are seeking much-needed stability for the future In addition, we believe there are many advantages to being part of a wider network of schools, such as leadership stability, access to teaching and learning expertise, further enrichment opportunities, and support with many of the day-to-day aspects of running a school.
We have been exploring with a range of MATs and what being part of their family of schools would mean for Scampton Pollyplatt’s children, families and staff.
During these discussions, it has become clear that there is a local trust whose values, approach, and aspiration to get the very best for each and every child mirrors how we work at our school – Infinity Academies Trust.
This term, members of the Infinity Academies Trust team have started to work across some key areas of the school's life, including working with us and the local authority on a permanent leadership solution. This has provided an opportunity to get to know each other, so we are confident that we would work well together.
For this reason, we are launching a listening period to gather your views on the opportunity to join Infinity Academies Trust.
This is not a decision that has been taken lightly. We have only considered this as we believe that we have found a Trust that shares our ambition, has the capacity to ensure that we continue to thrive, and also respects and celebrates our individuality.
We want to fully understand the views of our community before proceeding, and we look forward to working with you as we progress on this important piece of work.
In 2022, the then Government published their White Paper on the future of education in this country. While that paper is no longer being adopted, it highlights that over 80% of secondary schools are now academies – and around 45% of primaries have also made the decision to convert.
This is not only changing the nature of our existing support from organisations like the Local Authority, West Lindsey has also been identified as a priority area for academisation. This has further shaped our thinking and encouraged us to be proactive in taking important decisions for our school.
In addition, we think there are other benefits that include:
After a great deal of time and deliberation, Governors think that a Trust called Infinity Academies Trust is the right option for our school and our community.
This is not a decision we can, or want, to make in isolation though - which is why we want your views.
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